TPA Hasan Munahir
Our students are in the global competition.
SMP Hasan Munahir
Our students are in the global competition.
SMA Hasan Munahir
Our students are in the global competition.
sekolah yang mengintegrasikan kurikulum Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren Ahlusunnah Waljama’ah dengan sistem Mualimin dan Kurikulum Pendidikan Nasional
Pendidikan Karakter
- Keikhlasan
- Kesederhanaan
- Berdikari
- Ukhuwah Islamiyah
- Kebebasan
- Berbudi Tinggi
- Berbadan Sehat
- Berpengetahuan Luas
- Berfikiran Luas
Sekilas Tentang Hasan Munahir
sekolah yang mengintegrasikan kurikulum Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren Ahlusunnah Waljama’ah dengan sistem Mualimin dan Kurikulum Pendidikan Nasional, Memiliki Visi mencetak generasi Islam Indonesia yang berakhlaq mulia, Cerdas dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, berketerampilan, mantab dalam iman dan taqwa.
Students enrolled
Qualified Teachers
International Awards
Years of exoerience
Over the last 50 years, we have been providing world-class education.
Asrama Putra & Putri
On-campus college events to shape the social and intellectual character of students.
Teachers with extensive experience and certification at the highest level.
Our students can participate in the internships program with the leading companies.
We provide education to students from all around the world.
Get theoritical education as well as the practical understandings.
Lapangan olahraga
Our students can participate in the internships program with the leading companies.
Sanggar seni
We provide education to students from all around the world.
Ruang kesehatan
Get theoritical education as well as the practical understandings.
Lab Bahasa
Our students can participate in the internships program with the leading companies.
Sebaran Lulusan Alumni
Saya merupakan alumni dari Pondok Modern Hasan Munahir, dan sekarang saya bertugas menjadi abdi negara lewat TNI Angkatan Darat
Jason Smith
It is always fun to be in the classroom. All the teachers are so friendly and I have made many friends around the world. I have been to the other uni too but this is the best place to study.
Sara Jane
Engineering Student
It is always fun to be in the classroom. All the teachers are so friendly and I have made many friends around the world. I have been to the other uni too but this is the best place to study.
Syong Lee
Technology Student
It is always fun to be in the classroom. All the teachers are so friendly and I have made many friends around the world. I have been to the other uni too but this is the best place to study.
Business Student
Our Teachers
Whatever your aim for you future, we have the perfect program to get you there.
Pimpinan PPM Hasan Munahir
Al Ustadz Triono Nugroho, SHI, MH
Ketua Yayasan Hasa Munahir
Bapak Hari Subiyantoro, SPd
Pimpinan PPM Hasan Munahir
Al Ustadz Ahmad Fathoni, MPd, Al hafidz
Pimpinan PPM Hasan Munahir
Mohammad Naufal Aldicky, S. Ag